Teens and Young Adults aged 15 to 21 who have a school-based IEP, 504 Plan or a documented disability may be eligible for free online training, a hardcopy textbook, and a paid summer work experience

PORTLAND, OR, July 10, 2023 /24-7PressRelease/ — workability LLC has contracted with the State of Oregon’s Pre-Employment Training Services (Pre-ETS) department to provide career exploration and summer work experience for students with I/DD aged 15 to 21 who reside anywhere in Oregon.

“Our goal is to introduce neurodiverse and disabled students to allied health careers such as pharmacy clerks. Newly trained workers are needed most in urban and rural Oregon, because that’s where the pharmacy tech shortages are most acute,” said workability’s founder Sheila Jordan.

“We originally focused on rural counties in Eastern Oregon, but we received so many inquiries from transition specialists and students in other counties in Western Oregon, we requested that Vocational Rehab allow us to offer the program statewide, and it was approved.”

The requirements for participating in this program are:

– Current Oregon student in secondary or post-secondary education.
– Receiving services under an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, or has a documented disability, and
– Between the ages of 15-21.

How workability will support students’ career exploration, training and summer work experience:

– They’ll receive access to a free, online training program at no cost.
– They must complete the online training program before they can start a summer work experience. – The online training is 15 hours long, and can be done at their own pace. It’s best to online learning start right away so they will be ready for a summer work experience.

workability will provide weekly, online support groups where students can ask questions about what they are learning and get answers. These will be led by a licensed pharmacist.

Once students complete the online training, workability will help them to land a paid summer work experience in a pharmacy or other healthcare setting in the community where you reside.

You can also complete the forms found at the links below, and email them to us at referrals@workability.one, and we will get back to you right away!

English: https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/de1723.pdf

Spanish: https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/ds1723.pdf

We will work with the state’s Pre-ETS/Vocational Rehabilitation department to verify your eligibility for the program, as well as to enroll you in the educational programming.

About workability LLC

workability owns and operates www.workability.one, a specialty job board that connects neurodiverse and disabled job seekers with inclusive employers nationwide. workability also provides workforce development programs and continuing education for human resources professionals. It is certified as a woman- and minority-owned Emerging Small Business by the Oregon Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID).

For the original version of this press release, please visit 24-7PressRelease.com here